How Many Hours Do Lawyers Work?

Lawyers are known for working long hours, with many putting in over 40 hours a week. However, the exact number of hours that a lawyer works can vary depending on the type of law they practice, their level of experience, and the size of the firm they work for.

According to a study by the American Bar Association, the average lawyer works around 46.9 hours per week. This includes both time spent in the office and time spent working outside of the office on cases.

However, it’s not uncommon for lawyers to work much more than the average. Junior associates at large law firms may work 60-80 hours a week, while solo practitioners and those in small firms may have more flexible schedules.

How Many Hours Do Lawyers Work on a Case?

The amount of time that a lawyer spends working on a case can vary greatly depending on the complexity of the case and the stage of the legal process.

For example, a lawyer working on a simple contract review may only spend a few hours on the case, while a lawyer working on a complex trial may spend hundreds of hours preparing for and participating in the trial.

In general, the more complex and high-stakes a case is, the more time a lawyer will need to devote to it.

Where Do Lawyers Work?

Lawyers can work in a variety of different settings, including:

  • Law firms: Many lawyers work in private law firms, which can range in size from small solo practices to large multinational firms.
  • Government: Lawyers can also work for the government, in positions such as public defenders, prosecutors, or government attorneys.
  • Corporations: In-house counsels are lawyers who work for a specific corporation or business.
  • Non-profit organizations: Lawyers can also work for non-profit organizations and advocacy groups.
  • Education: Some lawyers also work in academia as professors or researchers.

How Many Days a Week Do Lawyers Work?

The number of days a week that a lawyer works can vary depending on the type of law they practice and the size of the firm they work for.

In general, lawyers working in large law firms are more likely to work a traditional five-day workweek, while those working in smaller firms or in government positions may have more flexible schedules.

However, it’s not uncommon for lawyers to work weekends and evenings, especially when preparing for a trial or working on a particularly high-stakes case.


Type of LawAverage Weekly HoursDays of the Week
Private Law Firm46.95

Do all lawyers work long hours?

Lawyers are known for working long hours, with many putting in over 40 hours a week. However, the exact number of hours that a lawyer works can vary depending on the type of law they practice, their level of experience, and the size of the firm they work for.

Are lawyers allowed to have flexible schedules?

The number of days a week that a lawyer works can vary depending on the type of law they practice and the size of the firm they work for. Lawyers working in large law firms are more likely to work a traditional five-day workweek, while those working in smaller firms or in government positions may have more flexible schedules.

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