Straightening Out the Timing: When Should Your Child See an Orthodontist?

Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that specializes in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of dental and facial irregularities. An orthodontist is a dental professional who has received additional training in this field and is qualified to straighten teeth and correct bite issues using braces, retainers, and other appliances.

Many parents wonder when the right time is to take their child to see an orthodontist. The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children first visit an orthodontic specialist no later than age 7. However, there are certain signs that parents can look out for that may indicate it’s time to schedule an appointment sooner.

Early Signs of Orthodontic Issues

  • Crowding of teeth: If your child’s teeth are starting to overlap or become too crowded in their mouth, this could be a sign that orthodontic treatment is needed.
  • Difficulty biting and chewing: If your child is having trouble biting or chewing their food, it could be a sign that their teeth are not properly aligned.
  • Speech difficulties: Some children may have trouble speaking clearly if their teeth are not properly aligned.
  • Breathing through the mouth: If your child is breathing through their mouth instead of their nose, it could indicate an issue with the alignment of their jaw.
  • Thumb sucking or pacifier use past age 4: These habits can cause the front teeth to become misaligned and the upper jaw to become narrower.

When to Schedule an Orthodontic Evaluation

  • Age 7: As mentioned before, the American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children first see an orthodontist by age 7. This is the ideal time to catch any developing problems before they become more severe.
  • If you notice any of the early signs of orthodontic issues: If you notice that your child is experiencing any of the issues listed above, it’s important to schedule an evaluation as soon as possible.
  • If your child is experiencing dental pain: If your child is experiencing dental pain or discomfort, it’s important to have them evaluated by an orthodontist to determine the cause and appropriate course of treatment.

It’s important to note that not all children will require orthodontic treatment, and some may not need it until they are older. An orthodontic evaluation will help determine whether treatment is necessary and, if so, the appropriate time to begin.

Can an orthodontist only straighten teeth with braces?

No, an orthodontist have various ways to straighten teeth and correct bites, such as clear aligners, clear plastic retainers, headgear and functional appliances and fixed braces. They will choose the best option for your child depending on the complexity of their case.

How long will my child’s orthodontic treatment take?

The duration of treatment will vary depending on the specific case, but most orthodontic treatment takes between 18 to 24 months.

Will my child need to wear braces for the rest of their life?

In most cases, children will wear braces for a certain period of time and then transition to a retainer to maintain the newly-aligned teeth. Once the teeth are properly aligned, it is important to wear a retainer to keep them in place.

Will my insurance cover my child’s orthodontic treatment?

Most insurance plans do cover at least a portion of orthodontic treatment. You can contact your insurance company

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